4 things you can do today for America’s wild horses and burros

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Photo by Tina Thuell.


America’s wild horses and burros need your voice TODAY. Here are four easy things that you can do to advocate on their behalf:

Send an email to Congress

Urge lawmakers to oppose provisions in the president’s recently released 2018 budget proposal that would allow the Bureau of Land Management to euthanize or sell without restriction captive wild horses and burros. This is not only directed at tens of thousands of wild horses today but is intended to usher in a new “management” agenda: the wild horse wipeout.

We’ve made it easy to personalize and send letters to your representative and senator by clicking here.

Back the SAFE Act

Sign our petition in support of the SAFE Act, HR 113, which would ban horse slaughter in the United States and the transport of horses to slaughter.

Sign the petition and learn more about horse slaughter by clicking here.

You can read the bipartisan bill – and see if your representative has signed on as one of 132 co-sponsor – by clicking here.

Pick up the phone or a pen — or both

Call Congress or send a personal letter – or both. Find contact information for your representative by clicking here and senators by clicking here.

First, urge your representatives to oppose the provisions in the president’s 2018 budget that would remove protections for wild horses and burros and instead support humane, on-the-range management solutions.

These solutions include: the use of safe, proven fertility control in combination with revisiting population targets based on a fair interpretation of multiple-use land management, providing incentives for ranchers who reduce livestock grazing in wild horse Herd Management Areas, and improving range stewardship to benefit wild horses, livestock and all wildlife.

Second, encourage your representative to co-sponsor the the SAFE Act (HR 113) or, if they have signed on as a co-sponsor, thank them for standing up for the health of horses and humans alike.

Remember to tell staff answering the phone that you’re a constituent, why these issues matter to you, and, above all, be polite and represent wild horses and burros well.

Spread the word — and keep at it

Please write or call Congress weekly. If you’ve already done all of the above, please help get the word out by passing along the URL to this page, sharing our Facebook posts or retweet us on Twitter and talking to your friends and family offline about the wild horse issue.

Contacting lawmakers can seeming daunting or hopeless or both, especially if you’ve not done it before, but don’t give up and don’t let up.  The voices of the American people are the best chance our wild horses and burros have.