BLM concludes ’emergency’ roundup of 53 Arizona burros

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Burros near Lake Havasu City, Ariz. Havasu News photo.

The Bureau of Land Management has concluded an “emergency” bait-and-trap roundup of 53 burros near Lake Havasu City, Ariz. No injuries to burros have been reported by the agency.

The captured burros, which included eight foals, were transported to a BLM facility in Florence, Ariz., where they will be prepared for adoption.

BLM says that it began the roundup on Nov. 7 in response to traffic safety concerns along State Route 95, north of the city.

The burros are from the 450,790-acre Havasu Herd Management Area, south of the city along the Colorado and Bill Williams rivers. The HMA also borders the Chemehuevi Herd Management Area in California.

The BLM’s “Appropriate Management Level” for the Havasu HMA is 133 to 166 burros — or as low as one burro for every 3,389 acres. The agency estimates the burro population on the HMA at 178.

Take Action

Please keep calling U. S. Senators on the Conference Committee and urge them to continue standing up for wild horses and burros and opposing slaughter. Click here for suggested talking points and a list of phone numbers.

Please click here to send a letter to your members of Congress urging them to oppose the Bureau of Land Management sale policy, which allows any buyer to purchase up to 24 wild horses with no waiting period, no oversight and no questions asked.

Sign RTF’s Wild on the Range Campaign petition in support of humane management of wild horses and burros.

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