BLM, USFS seek Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board nominations

/ In The News, News

A wild horse on the Onaqui Mountains Herd Management Area. RTF file photo by Meg Frederick.

The Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service are seeking applicants for the natural resource seat on the National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board.

The nine-member volunteer advisory board makes recommendations to the BLM and U.S. Forest Service regarding wild horse and burro management. It does not control policy.

Each board member represents a different interest. In addition to natural resource organizations, they include: wild horse and burro advocacy groups, wild horse and burro research institutions, veterinarians, natural resource organizations, humane advocacy groups, wildlife associations, and livestock organizations, plus the general public with a special knowledge of equine behavior.

Individuals qualify to serve on the board based on their education, training or experience that enables them to give informed and objective advice regarding the interest they represent.

Board members typically serve three-year terms and meet one to four times annually. Members serve without salary, though they are reimbursed for approved travel and per diem expenses related to their activities on the board.

How to submit an application

Interested parties should submit an application packet that demonstrates their experience or knowledge of natural resource management and their commitment to collaborate in seeking solutions to resource management issues.

Applications must be received no later than March 15.

More detailed application information can be found here.