Wild Horse Nation,
In July, the House Appropriations Committee approved an amendment to let the Bureau of Land Management kill healthy wild horses and burros. The same committee also rejected language to prevent horse slaughter in the U.S.
These amendments will not pass without the support of everyday Americans. Backed by moneyed interests and buoyed by the secretary of the Interior and BLM leadership, the opposition has been peddling lies about wild horses for months.
Make this time count. Call your congressperson and senators — and keep calling. Urge others to do the same.
We have little time to turn the tide. There are six days left in August. Congress will return soon after and is expected to act quickly on bills that could lead to the mass killing of wild horses and the resumption of horse slaughter.
A full 80% of Americans oppose horse slaughter. A similar percentage want wild horses and burros protected. But positive poll numbers will not matter unless we raise our voices.
Thank you to everyone who has been calling and writing on behalf of wild horses and burros. Don’t let up!
Cory Golden, RTF Advocacy & Communications Coordinator
Donate to the Wild Horse Defense Fund, which fuels our advocacy and legal efforts