Another 48 wild horses were captured on the second day of a helicopter roundup on The Devil’s Garden Wild Horse Territory in northeastern California.
The U.S. Forest Service plans to capture about 200 wild horses there. Forty-five were rounded up on Monday.
Those captured on Tuesday included a number of roans, as well as smaller bands with young foals. The animals were transported to a temporary holding facility at Willow Creek Ranch, where they were sorted and separated from their family bands.
“A gray mare was looking a little beat battered and definitely showing signs of separation anxiety after being separated from her black foal in the temporary holding pens,” said Steve Paige, who photographed the roundup for Return to Freedom.
Shelly Abajian, a district director for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., was among the observers on Tuesday. The senator’s office did not immediately reply to a request for comment.
For more information on the roundup, please click here.
To add your name to Return’s to Freedom’s anti-roundup petition, please click here.