Meet Isabelle
The BLM completed the removal of 1799 horses from the Herd Management Area that was their home. Separated from her family, she and 80 other foals went to government corrals to await adoption. Because of her beauty, she was sought after and we were not certain that we would be able to adopt her and reunite her with her siblings.
Isabelle was captured at Arapaho Creek, also known as “the donut hole” which used to be
recognized as a Herd Area but after the completion of the roundup in 2020, Arapaho Creek is no longer a recognized HMA. The Red Desert Complex encompasses 753,000 acres and has very harsh climate with rugged terrain. The horses are very diverse in color, type and size.
Thanks to one of her guardian angels, photographer Angelique Rea, RTF was able to adopt Isabelle, her little sister Rose and her brother Little Romeo! The three of them were reunited on March 22, 2021 and are now safe at Return to Freedom’s sanctuary! Isabelle was very wary and just recently has become more trusting and social.
RTF was again able to send the photographers to the holding corrals in search of the whole family band. In August of 2021, we were able to find and adopt Isabelle’s father, mother and the whole family band.
Your Sponsorship has a significant, positive impact on Isabelles’s life!
-Meg Frederick
Isabelle’s Headshot
Isabelle with dad Misun
-Angelique Rea
Isabelle and Little Romeo on range
Isabelle and Sunflower