Tata Wakan, Red Desert Mare, Misun’s band

Little Romeo

Tata Wakan, meaning Sacred Wind in Lakota, is a beautiful pinto mare born wild and free in 2013 on the Red Desert Complex, Wyoming.

On October 16, 2020, Tata ran alongside her family, band as the BLM removed them from their home in Arapaho Creek within the Complex. On that day, Tata was separated from, her brother and lead stallion Misun, her mother Bella, her brother Hotah, her home and her freedom. Separated from her family, she was sent to government corrals to await placement into long-term holding.

Tata Wakan was born to Bella, who is also the mother of Misun and Hotah—Tata Wakan’s brothers. Misun developed into a lead stallion but uniquely, like his father Romeo, kept his mother Bella, sister Tata Wakan in his band. And although he would chase his brother Hotah away from time to time, he continued to let him remain closeby! Tata Wakan (along with some of Misun’s offspring), remained close to Hotah.

On November 12, 2020, BLM completed the removal of 1799 horses from the Herd Management Area.

Thanks to two guardian angels, two photographers who have followed her band on the range for years, RTF was able to find and adopt Tata Wakan and her brother Hotah who remained close to the band.

In August 2021, RTF was again able to send the photographers to the holding corrals in search of the whole family band. We were able to find and adopt Tata Wakans brother and band stallion Misun, their mother Bella and three more of Misun’s mares! The whole band will live out their lives at Return to Freedom’s Sanctuary.

Now at Return to Freedom’s Sanctuary, a stallion named Greyson who a bachelor band stallion and close to Hotah on the range, has become very possessive of Tata Wakan and has claimed her for his own!

Your Sponsorship has a significant, positive impact on Tata Wakan’s life!

Tata Wakan with her brother Misun in the range by Angelique Rea
All other pictures by Meg Frederick

More Pictures of Tata Wakan