Help build a much-needed hay cover for RTF's sanctuary, Sept. 19, 2016

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Photo by Susan Matsumoto

Photo by Susan Matsumoto


Return to Freedom’s American Wild Horse Sanctuary needs a 48′ x 48′ hay cover that will protect hay from the rain while increasing safety and efficiency.

You can help us reach our $25,000 fundraising goal by clicking here. RTF must raise $5,000 from 40 donors by Sept. 30 in order to earn a permanent spot on GlobalGiving’s website.

Return to Freedom’s 50-year-old wooden barn is too cramped to meet our hay storage needs. Access for deliveries and daily loading of feed trucks by our staff is challenging, particularly in slick conditions. A steel, open-sided structure built on concrete in an easily accessed area will give us safer, more efficient storage that is less vulnerable to rain and fire. In addition, greater air circulation will make it less likely that hay will grow mold and ferment in damp weather.

RTF’s sanctuary offers a safe haven for 379 wild horses and burros. Our programs enrich the lives of hundreds of children and adults annually, giving them close-up views of these living symbols of the pioneer spirit of the West while educating the public about the need to preserve the freedom, diversity and habitat of wild horses and burros.