Our boy, Mustang Sal
Yes, we know it’s confusing — but you can call him Sal!
Bad things do happen to good horses. In late Spring of 2017, Mustang Sal got himself caught up with something sharp creating a cut on his right hind leg. Although it seemed to heal, he began to have trouble walking due to long-term complications from the injury and was clearly in pain.

Sal’s original injury needed a redo—
We wondered — and hoped — if there was a way to have the vet re-work the injury so it could re-heal in a way that would allow him more flexibility — and there was! Although funds are always tight, we couldn’t wait to raise money for the operation. We had to act fast to get our boy out of pain by having the surgery he needed right away—but we still have to pay for it. A damaged tendon and a small segment of the corresponding muscle was removed under general anesthesia. The $1,800 vet bill was unexpected and we need help to keep current with our wonderful vet, so that the horses always have the medical care they need, when they need it. With 500+ horses we spend about $35,000 a year on medical bills, supplies and dentistry for the horses and growing senior population!
Our generous supporters never fail the horses, and we need your help now!
ANY amount will add up to keep us in good standing with the vet and keep the vital medical care for so many wild horses and burros coming.
Click to donate to RTF’s veterinary fund.
RTF and the great Mustang Sally thank you!
Neda DeMayo
Founder and President, Return to Freedom

Mustang Sal with Equine Management Consultant Elena Bajona and Barn Manager Sarah Romberger.