Help Return to Freedom’s Response Effort for Devils Garden Horses

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2016 helicopter roundup at Devils Garden. Photo by Steve Paige for Return to Freedom.

Dear Friends,

I want to thank you personally for your compassion and support of the Devils Garden horses. We are moved by the outpouring on behalf of the Devils Garden horses who are currently being captured.

Return to Freedom is already making preparations for the rescue of the older horses. Should the U.S. Forest Service go forward with their disastrous plan to lift all restrictions on sales of an estimated 300 wild horses ages 10-older from Devils Garden Wild Horse Territory, this puts them in jeopardy of being purchased by kill buyers.

Your commitment to help provide funding for this effort helps to mobilize us on the ground. I will be traveling with some adopters to help facilitate their adoption/purchase of horses from the Forest Service, and we are coordinating transportation with our supporters/volunteers.

At the same time, we’re working hard on the advocacy side to persuade the Forest Service to abandon its plan to sell wild horses without limitation, meeting with lawmakers, working with other advocacy groups and providing a way for our supporters to send messages of opposition to the sale directly to the Forest Service.

Again, thank you so much for your support. This is what makes it all possible.



Neda DeMayo
Founder and President, Return to Freedom