Stand up for America’s wild horses!

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Dear Wild Horse Nation,

I am writing today to implore you to be a strong, persistent voice for wild horses.

America’s wild horses are fighting for their lives and they need our help NOW!

Even as we celebrate this Fourth of July, tens of thousands of our nation’s iconic living symbols of freedom are unknowingly at risk. The horizon for America’s wild horses and burros looms as dark as it has at any time in the 19-year history of Return to Freedom.

As we celebrate the 4th of July, remember to act for the #WildHorses on the 5th of July.

Call as often as you can and please join us us and our colleagues as deliver our message #NoHorseSlaughter to Washington on #WildWednesdays and every day:

Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, ask to be connected to your legislators, then politely urge your representative and senators to:

  • Support the Roybal-Allard/Dent horse slaughter defund amendment to the Fiscal Year2018 Agriculture Appropriations bill,  which will continue the ban on horse slaughter;
  • Oppose any provision in the Fiscal Year 2018 Interior Appropriations bill that would allow the Bureau of Land Management to kill wild horses or to remove sale restrictions that would open the door for BLM to sell horses and burros to someone who would sell them for slaughter.

The House Appropriations Committee is expected to vote on these two issues NEXT week. Don’t wait to act.

Let Congress know that you will not accept the mass killing of our nation’s iconic wild horses. Lifting restrictions on the sale of wild horses and burros opens the door to slaughter and slaughter is not an option for America’s horses.

Moneyed interests have worked feverishly to convince even sympathetic lawmakers that taxpayer-funded bullets — or turning a blind eye to kill buyers — are the only “humane” options for wild horses.

Do not be fooled.

“Euthanize” means shoot.

“Sales without limitation” means slaughter.

We the People must tell Congress that killing healthy wild horses will never be acceptable to us.

Again and again, the American people have cried out for the free-roaming descendants of the horses and burros that helped build this country and made our own freedom possible.

Call your representative and senators–often. Encourage others to do the same. We must speak for them now, LOUDLY and clearly–before it’s too late.

Thank you for standing strong with America’s horses and burros,

Neda DeMayo and all of us at Return to Freedom Wild Horse Conservation


Join Wendie Malick in the fight to protect America’s wild horses from Return to Freedom on Vimeo.

Join Robert Knott: Be a voice for America’s wild horses from Return to Freedom on Vimeo.

David Midthunder stands strong strong with America’s wild horses and burros from Return to Freedom on Vimeo.

Amber Midthunder stands with wild horses from Return to Freedom on Vimeo.

Ray Abruzzo stands with America’s wild horses. Join him. from Return to Freedom on Vimeo.