RTF file photo taken on the Great Divide Basin Herd Management Area in Wyoming.
Registration is open for the Free-Roaming Equids and Ecosystem Sustainability Network’s 2024 Summit, set for April 15-18 at the Elko, Nev., Conference Center.
This year’s theme is “Homes on the Range: From Wild Horses and Burros to Bees, Birds and Bison: Why Management Matters.”
The summit will focus on interactions between wild horses, burros and other wildlife. A blend of scientific talks, field experiences, and facilitated groups will work to connect wildlife, conservation, and wild horse and burro management interests.
FREES seeks to enhance communication and engage diverse public lands stakeholder groups in meaningful dialogue in an effort to improve wild horse management and rangeland ecosystem sustainability.
The summit has attracted a growing number of land grant universities, tribal governments and more than 70 other agencies and organizations, including wild horse and burro advocacy groups like Return to Freedom. RTF’s staff biologist sits on the FREES Steering Committee