Advocacy in Action
A Voice for Wild Horses and Burros
It is up to each of us to be the voice for our wild horses. Return to Freedom invites you to get involved and join us to observe wild horse herds on rangelands across America, witness roundups and participate in the political process by advocating for solutions for the preservation and protection of wild horses and burros.
By providing resources, news, and educational opportunities, Return to Freedom’a Advocacy in Action program seeks to engage and empower adults and youth ready to dive deeper into the issues and find their own voices as advocates.Participants in our Advocacy in Action program can learn first-hand about wild horses and burros at our American Wild Horse Sanctuary. They can also learn how to safely visit Herd Management Areas on the range, where they can witness the behaviors and habits of wild horses, the habitat and resources on which they depend, and the wildlife with which wild horses coexist.
Participants can also make arrangements to witness a wild horse roundup, and all that it entails, as part of developing their own opinions, feelings, and ideas about wild horse policy.
Advocacy in Action participants will also be given assistance in holding pro-active meetings with lawmakers or agency representatives, at which participants can share what they know in support of humane, realistic solutions to the challenges faced by wild horses and burros.
To receive more information about Advocacy in Action opportunities, action alerts, and other news about Return to Freedom, please subscribe here. If you have other questions about Advocacy in Action, please contact Return to Freedom.
Visit the Sanctuary and participate in experiential learning through:
- Living History Tours
- Herd Observations
- Volunteering
- Educational clinics and events
Join us on the range
Join us to observe wild horses in their natural habitat. Learn about:
- What wild horses and burros eat there; what they don’t eat
- History of the herd and the area
- The ecosystem in the respective area
- The challenges the herds face in that area
Join us to observe a roundup, where you can:
- Observe the horses, the process
- Document your experience
- Monitor the BLM Roundup Schedule
Gather answers to your questions or gather new questions — and then let your voice be heard!
- Work with RTF to understand the history of the wild horses in America and the conflicts on public lands that challenge their survival
- Discuss talking points and articulate your point of view
- Write letters to the editor
- Call or write your congressional representative
- Weigh in on Environmental Assessments or speak at public forums related to wild horses
- Work with our team to meet with your legislators on the issues
- RTF will also work with you to set up a meeting in your area