It’s critically important that those who care about wild horses and burros weigh in on the plans that guide on-the-ground actions of government agencies tasked with managing our nation’s wild horses and burros. Your voice is needed!

Wild horse supporters can weigh in at a number of steps in the process:
  • Scoping, Notice of Intent: The Bureau of Land Management begins the formal land-management planning process by identifying major resource issues that need to be considered, including by soliciting public input. It does so by publishing a Notice of Intent in the Federal Register (hyperlink: ). The public then has 30 days to provide comments about the area to be addressed in the plan.
  • Draft Resource Management Plan/EIS: The public has 90 days to comment on draft Resource Management Plans / Environmental Impact Statement. The document will include a preferred management alternative and its environmental impacts. A notice of its availability must be published in the Federal Register.
  • Final Resource Management Plan/EIS: After making revisions, the agency releases a proposed Resource Management Plan and final Environmental Impact Statement. A Notice of Availability must be published in the Federal Register. Any person who has taken part in the process can and may be adversely affected by the plan may file a protest within 30 days.
  • Record of Decision: The process is finalized with the signing of this document, which lays out the objectives and actions to be taken based on the selected alternative in the final Environmental Impact Statement.

Examples of decisions made in land-use plans include designating a Herd Management Area or removing its designation. Examples of implementation planning decisions include setting population targets for a Herd Management Area, also called its Appropriate Management Level, or roundup plans.

In addition to land-use planning decisions, the BLM holds other public meetings, including annual public meetings in each state about the use of helicopters in roundups and meetings of the BLM’s independent Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. Watch this page to learn about opportunities to weigh in!

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Return to Freedom is awaiting a federal judge’s rulings in two cases crucial to the future of wild horses in southwest Wyoming. On Tuesday, we took part in a hearing before Judge Kelly Rankin in the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming. RTF is fighting to stop the ... Read More
July 19, 2024Cory Golden
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will hold its annual, legally required public hearing regarding the use of motorized vehicles in the management of wild horses and burros from 3-5 p.m. MT on May 23. The meeting will be held using Zoom. It will be live-streamed at To provide comment ... Read More
April 26, 2024Cory Golden
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The National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board gave a push to the Bureau of Land Management to complete the steps necessary for significant wild horse management changes to occur. In recommendations finalized Thursday at the board’s meeting in Phoenix, the board called on the BLM to complete rulemaking and regulation ... Read More
December 14, 2023Cory Golden
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The National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board will meet Dec. 12-14 at the Bureau of Land Management’s National Training Center in Phoenix, Ariz. The public is invited to attend in-person, at 9828 N 31st Ave, or view the meeting via live stream at Click here for the ... Read More
December 12, 2023Cory Golden
Bari Lee 1 ‘Blowing Manes’
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Bartholomew Sullivan 202.909-6187 June 21, 2023 Representatives Cohen, Fitzpatrick and Titus Re-Introduce Horse Transportation Safety Act Measure cosponsored by more than 60 members and animal welfare groups WASHINGTON -- Representatives Steve Cohen (TN-9), Dina Titus (NV-01) and Brian Fitzpatrick ... Read More
June 21, 2023Cory Golden
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The National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board will meet June 28-30 in Reno, Nev. The public may watch the Advisory Board's meeting live at or attend in person at the Whitney Peak Hotel, 255 ... Read More
May 26, 2023Cory Golden
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The House Interior Appropriations Committee on Wednesday again emphasized the need for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to implement proven, safe and humane fertility control, a tool needed to keep wild horses and burros managed on the range. The Committee approved a $44.8 billion bill for Fiscal Year 2023 that ... Read More
June 29, 2022Cory Golden
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What follows is written testimony by RTF President Neda DeMayo to the United States House of Representatives Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce. The subcommittee is set to hold a hearing on Thursday, May 26, to consider bills that include the Save America’s Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act of 2021 (H.R. 3355) ... Read More
May 26, 2022Cory Golden
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Photo by Meg Frederick The National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board on Thursday voted to approve seven recommendations on subjects ranging for planning for the ongoing drought in the West to the Bureau of Land Management’s controversial ... Read More
July 2, 2021Cory Golden