Photo by David Briery / BLM.
The Bureau of Land Management has captured 31 wild burros during an ongoing bait-and-trap roundup in the Piute Mountain Herd Area, located in California’s San Bernardino County.
BLM intends to remove 40-50 burros because of what it says are insufficient water at Fenner Spring, which the burros rely on and which in May was only holding about 15 gallons — compared to about 200 gallons needed daily by the known population of 41 burros in the area, according to the agency.
Recent temperatures there have rountinely topped 90 degrees.
By June 29, 29 burros had been captured, with another two added by July 6. “Relocating the burros will continue until it is determined that Fenner Spring can produce enough water to sustain the remaining number of burros,” according to the agency.
Captured animals are being transported to the BLM Ridgecrest Regional Wild Horse and Burro Corrals where they will be offered for sale or adoption.
In May, BLM staff conducted a census and found 60-80 burros in the Herd Area. On May 24, staff placed water troughs in the area, only to decide later that they were insufficient to sustain the burros.
“It was determined necessary to relocate some of the burros to prevent dehydration or fatalities due to the spring source drying up,” according to the agency.