Our Vision: The Next Step in Saving Wild Horses
America’s wild horses are fighting their last stand. Increasing competition for our natural resources threatens our wilderness areas and wildlife species. Horses are interwoven into the very fabric of what is America. What threatens them threatens us all. I support the innovative and pioneering efforts of Return to Freedom and I urge you to do the same. Join us.
Return to Freedom is poised to take our management model to the next level by creating a first-of-its-kind Wild Horse and Burro Conservancy and Wilderness Preserve. This historical Land Trust will ensure the conservation of disappearing pure in strain Spanish mustangs, expand our management model as it can be applied on wild horse ranges, and be home to natural family bands captured from federal lands.
please email our Development Director or call us at (805) 737-9246.
You may also send donations and/or regular mail to: Return to Freedom, P.O. Box 926, Lompoc, CA 93438
In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, we will understand only what we have been taught.
Now is the time to be part of a legacy!
Help us realize the goals of Return to Freedom’s Capital Campaign for long-term sustainability!
Wild horses are a valuable part of the ecosystem. By protecting these free-ranging, sentient animals we also protect and preserve the open spaces in which they flourish.
Suitable land for this project is expensive and it will only become more expensive.
The conservancy will:
- Be a sustainable refuge to wild burros and diverse herds of the American Mustang to live undisturbed in their bonded family and social bands for generations to come;
- Ensure the conservation of disappearing strains of the original Spanish mustangs;
- Offer a viable model that can be applied on wild horse rangelands;
- Wilderness Preserve — for the preservation of wildlife and natural resources there; and
- Host a visitor center and educational safaris.
A Proven Track Record of Success
In February 2015 we celebrated our 17th Anniversary as a leading organization for the preservation of wild horses and burros.
Please consider a legacy donation to support our Capital Campaign to ensure our long term sustainability for America’s wild horses and burros!
- A lasting endowment
- Land Trust
Help us protect bonded herds for generations to come.
The Wild Horse Land Trust has been developed to assure that funds and donations are earmarked exclusively for this expansion effort.
Donors will have their name added to our “Sponsor an Acre” plaque that will be mounted as a permanent ‘Wall of Honor” at the land trust. This donation makes a meaningful gift for birthdays, anniversaries, in memorium, or for any horse lover-on any occasion.
For more information about our Capital Campaign and to participate in Legacy Giving for our Endowment, please contact our Development Director.