Devil's Garden Day Four: 40 more California wild horses captured, Sept. 29, 2016

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The U.S. Forest Service captured 40 more wild horses at The Devil’s Garden Horse Territory on Thursday in a fourth day of helicopter trapping.

The Forest Service plans to remove about 200 wild horses from the territory, which is located in northeastern California.

As of Thursday, 197 horses had been captured. Of those, 132 have been transported to the Bureau of Land Management’s  Litchfield Wild Horse and Burro Facility, east of Susanville, Calif.

Thursday’s roundup included the escape of one stud who managed to get past the trap panels. The others in his band of seven did not (see the first three photos below). He could be heard calling out to the rest of his band, according to Steve Paige, who documented the roundup for Return to Freedom.

For more information on the roundup, please click here. For more information about the Litchfield facility and adoptions, please click here.

To add your name to Return’s to Freedom’s anti-roundup petition, please click here.

For photos from earlier in the week, see the reports from Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.






See Day Five of the Devil’s Garden roundup here..