Meet Bella Luna, Senior Mare

Bella Luna is a beautiful almost black mare born wild and free on the Red Desert Complex, Wyoming. Her actual year of birth is unknown but the photographers who know her estimate her DOB to be 2001. Bella and her band stallion Romeo sired many foals together including Hotah and his brother Misun. Romeo was defeated by another stallion and Bella was taken. The range changed and after a brutal winter, Bella stayed close to her sons Misun and Hotah who all remained together as Misun assumed his position as lead stallion while his harem grew. It is unusual to see so many generations remain in the band together like this but this is Romeo’s legacy, who was known for keeping his family close.

On October 16, 2020, Bella ran alongside her sons Misun and Hotah, her grand-children and the rest of Misun’s harem band when the Bureau of Land Management removed them from their home in Arapaho Creek within the Complex. Bella was separated from her family, her home and her freedom as they were all sent to government corrals to await placement into adoption or long-term holding.

On November 12, 2020, BLM completed the removal of 1799 horses from the Red Desert Complex in Wyoming.

Thanks to two guardian angels, photographers, Meg Frederick and Angelique Rea, who have followed the band on the range for years, (Angelique Rea has photographed them since 2012), RTF was able to find and adopt Bella and Misun’s entire band with the exception of Bella’s mother who is believed to have died as a result of the roundup, and a few younger horses who may have been sent to another adoption facility.

RTF was also able to send the photographers to two adoption events and the holding corrals twice last year in search of the whole family band. Angelique Rea stood in line at 4 AM at the first adoption in Wyoming’s freezing winter temperatures so that she could secure three of Misun’s foals who were taken from the band during the roundup! We were later able to find and adopt Bella along with her sons Hotah and Misun along with four more mares from the band (one being their sister Tata Wakan)! When we found Bella and the other mares– we found Misun’s three mare with their new 2021 foals who were born in the holding pens! Bella and her family will live out their lives at Return to Freedom’s Sanctuary.

Your Sponsorship has a significant, positive impact on Bella’s life!

Photography of Misun and Hotah with Bella on the range by Angelique Rea
Headshot of Bella and and other photo by Meg Frederick

More Pictures of Bella Luna