Meet Chief

Chief is a mature and impressive Spanish Mustang stallion captured from the Sulphur Springs Herd Management Area in Utah. Leery of humans, Chief lives with his harem of mares at Return to Freedom’s American Wild Horse Sanctuary.

The Sulphur Springs Herd at Return to Freedom is one of the few to be able to claim direct Spanish Heritage. The pure Sulphurs are of Spanish origin, based on phenotype and blood-typing. Many have distinctive dorsal and leg striping, and resemble the horses painted on cave walls dating back to 26,000 B.C.E., along with the Portuguese Sorraias, their Spanish cousins (Dr. Sponenberg, Virginia Tech).

These horses received their name for the area where they are found, the Sulphur Springs Herd Management Area in the Needle Mountain Range of Southwestern Utah. Return to Freedom has two family bands in our Sulphur Springs herd. One is led by Chief, a magnificent dun stallion (pictured above), the other by Bear, a stunning grulla stallion.

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