Meet Sun

Born in 1993, Sun is 27 years old now and does such a great job keeping young colts in line at the sanctuary. He is the right combination of a mature horse but has retained enough of his youthful mischievousness!

He was quite a handful when we first met him. He was a handsome 3-year-old stallion who nearly ended up on the truck to a slaughterhouse. In a feedlot, Sun was a beautiful bay colt with white socks. The owner of the feedlot was going to sell him but realized he was a cryptorchid (a stallion with a least one undescended testis), and immediately arranged for Sun to be on the truck to the slaughterhouse the next day. Luckily, a sanctuary in Los Angeles got him out of there in the nick of time. A few years later, before Neda DeMayo found a place to open Return to Freedom’s American Wild Horse Sanctuary, Neda was helping the LA based horse sanctuary and adopted Sun to help lighten their load and give him more space for activity. Davis hospital donated Sun’s surgery and Neda gentled this energetic young stud!

Sun was the very first rescued horse to move to the sanctuary when we first opened our gates in 1998!

Recently, he has proven to be a wise mentor and buddy to Sundancer, a mischievous young gelding who suffered a fractured fetlock when he was just one day old but has adapted to his permanent deformity. Sun is a smart prankster with a great sense of humor!

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