Sen. Feinstein: More must be done to protect wild horses in BLM adoption program

/ In The News, News

Siblings Uno and Linnea photographed on the Sand Wash Herd Management Area in Colorado. Photo by Meg Frederick.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on Monday, Aug. 16, sent a letter to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland calling for an investigation into the Bureau of Land Management’s controversial Adoption Incentive Program, which gives adopters $1,000 for adopting a wild horse.

“I believe more must be done in light of the disturbing allegations that some adopters have mistreated or illegally sold wild horses and burros, and respectfully urge BLM to conduct a full investigation of the matter and prevent such adopters from adopting again,” Feinstein wrote in a letter to Interior Secretary Haaland. “Additionally, I urge BLM to re-evaluate its cash incentive for the adoption of untrained wild horses and consider prioritizing such federal payments to subsidize training for adopted wild horses to increase the likelihood that they stay in loving homes instead of ending up at slaughter.”

Click here to read Feinstein’s full letter.