Help RTF Help Wild Horses: Spread the Word!

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Sadly, Americans are increasingly unaware that wild horses and burros still roam on our public lands, much less that these iconic animals are threatened. You can help change that. Below are some suggested tweets. By tweeting at least one per week, or by sharing similar messages on Facebook, you can help Return to Freedom raise public awareness and advocate for humane, on-the-range management. Another way to help: Share Return to Freedom’s posts on Instagram and Twitter (both @returntofreedom) or on Facebook. 


Wild Horses


Hey @BLMWHB: Check out @ReturnToFreedom for proven, effective, safe and humane for managing #wildhorses & #burros on the range! RTF has 20 years of success and will even help you implement them. #WINWIN


FACT: In 2007, @BLMWHB was close to achieving its desired population target for #wildhorses but failed to implement an effective program of #fertilitycontrol proven 91-98% successful in other programs. It’s time that BLM did its job! Learn more:


FACT: A 2013 @theNASciences report identified fertility control as an effective tool for managing the #wildhorse population and blamed @BLMWHB’s system of capture and removal for increasing the population. Join @ReturnToFreedom: Urge #Congress to demand #humane, proven options.


Hey @BLMWHB: Here’s just one proven #wildhorse management idea for you to try. Use safe, proven fertility control. @ReturnToFreedom has used it successfully for 20 years. Learn more: #wildhorses


Hey @BLMWHB: Here’s another proven #wildhorse management idea for you to try. Revisit population targets based on a fair interpretation of multiple-use land management. Visit @ReturnToFreedom at for more successful tools. #wildhorses


Hey @BLMWHB: Here’s another proven #wildhorse management idea for you to try: Increase range stewardship, including much-needed water source restoration. Visit @ReturnToFreedom at to learn more about humane, on-range management of #wildhorses.


Horse Slaughter


FACT: Avg. of 127,000 #horses, incl. an unknown number of #wildhorses & #burros, were hauled to slaughter in Mexico & Canada from 2008-17. Join @returntofreedom in calling on #Congress at 202-225-3121 to pass the #SAFEAct to ban horse slaughter. #yes2safe #nohorseslaughter


The #bipartisan #SAFEAct (HR113/S1706) would permanently ban horse slaughter and the transport of #horses for slaughter abroad. Are your reps cosponsors? Call 202-225-3121. Follow @returntofreedom or visit for more information. #yes2safe #nohorseslaughter


America’s #horses are not raised to be eaten, so they are often given drugs unsafe for human consumption. We must pass the #SAFEAct to ban slaughter and transport of horses for slaughter. You can help: Follow @ReturntoFreedom and call Congress at 202-225-3121. #yes2safe