To defend America’s threatened wild horses burros, Return to Freedom provides our visitors and supporters with effective educational tools, expansive resource information, and national networking opportunities, as well as offers a wide spectrum of experiential programs both on the range and at Return to Freedom’s American Wild Horse Sanctuary.

All ages can get involved and learn through sensitive observation of the natural world. Return to Freedom firmly embodies the philosophy that education is the most potent catalyst for transformational change. Through Herd Observation, Living History Tours, Wild Horse Photo Safaris, and a variety of programs, Return to Freedom offers the public an opportunity to learn directly from the horses in “nature’s classroom.”

Our Conservation Programs are designed to awaken our instinctual intelligence and connection to the natural world so that we may all participate in restoring balance to ourselves, those around us and the environment that sustains us all. For things to change, a new human being must emerge.

The story of each horse at the sanctuary is emblematic of tens of thousands more and is a testimony to why we remain committed to work on solutions that protect America’s remaining wild horses on their rightful rangelands.

Education provides the social and cultural awareness needed to support advocacy for policy changes that protect the interest of wildlife species and their habitats.