Dear Friends,
The easiest part of saving the life of a horse is getting the horse.
Anyone faced with providing a lifetime of care and feeding for one horse —much less 500—learns that very quickly.
As a sanctuary that has made a promise of care and safety to a huge number of animals, we feel it more than almost anyone. While always daunting, from time to time the challenge of purchasing the huge quantities of hay ($300-500K worth a year) needed to operate RTF’s American Wild Horse Sanctuary rises to the top of the list of needs, and its urgency screams for attention.
Now is one of those times. This was a very dry winter in an ongoing drought. Except for a few unexpected storms which wreaked havoc in California’s Central Coast after raging fires, there was very little rain. And, unlike last year, we were feeding hay to every horse even out on our 2,000 acre and 1,800 acre satellite sanctuaries!
When we looked up from our hay bills to the many horses and burros roaming the hills outside our office window, our hearts beat a little faster than usual. That’s when we knew we had to reach out to you immediately for some of the help and support you have consistently given to RTF’s resident horses and burros to keep them happy, healthy and with full bellies.
Rescues are exciting, but after the excitement dies down, there is much work to be done and mouths to be fed…for a long time. You can help us sustain the 120 horses rescued last year along with hundreds of residents, including a growing number of senior horses.
Can you please help us to fill the Hay Shed to ensure nutritious hay for our horse and burro friends for the coming months? If that tax refund is burning a hole in your pocket, just say the magic word (hint-it’s in the title) and watch it turn into meals for hundreds of horses.
$18 will buy a bale of hay, but any amount is critically important, needed and appreciated! Every donation for hay, large or small, adds up miraculously, and goes far beyond the crucial need to feed the residents at RTF’s sanctuary. Your kind donation ensures that 500 wild horses and 42 burros displaced from their home ranges receive essential food, shelter and water. Your gift today has a direct impact on the wild horse and burro families at the sanctuary and allows us to continue the fight for the future of tens of thousands of wild horses on the range and in government holding who are at the mercy of human politics.
Please help us today so that we can continue to bring you good news tomorrow and the next day, and for all the days to come.
With gratitude,