Tonight's the night! Help wild horses as RTF competes for $500,000 in matching funds! Nov. 28, 2016

/ Featured, In The News, News
Photo by Norma Fries

Photo by Norma Fries


If you’ve been considering giving a year-end donation to Return to Freedom, tonight, Monday, Nov. 28, is the night. That’s because your donation can be matched to make an even greater impact!

Beginning at 9:01 p.m. Pacific / 12:01 a.m. Eastern, Return to Freedom has an incredible opportunity to have your year-end gifts MATCHED at 50% by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Gates Foundation is matching gifts at 50% up to the first $1,000 for each gift. For example, if you give $2,000, that turns into $2,500. $1,000 is $1,500! $500 is 750! $250 is $375! $40 is $60! Every contribution goes further.

It costs $1.5 million per year to help RTF change the future for wild horses and burros. Can you join us?

Return to Freedom:

  • Provides sanctuary to over 11 herd groups, which includes 370 wild horses and 46 burros
  • Advocates on behalf of wild horses and burros on the range
  • Offers experiential learning programs
  • Models pioneering conservation projects

Give as close to the beginning of the 24-hour window as possible in order to maximize your donation.

Please note: #GivingTuesday runs for 24 hours, but matching funds will only last until the $500,000 from the Gates Foundation is depleted or until 9 p.m. Pacific on Tuesday, Nov. 29.

RTF is competing against many worthy charities for the matching funds, so we hope that you can make a donation today!