Update On S.A.F.E. ACT
Although there are 222 bi-partisan cosponsors for the S.A.F.E. Act, the bill continues to face adversity from a few influential members on the Energy and Commerce Committee. It has yet to make it’s way to a full committee markup so it can make it to the floor for a FAIR VOTE.
We are disappointed to announce that the SAFE Act was not considered this week by the House Energy and Commerce Committe. The continued slaughter and road to slaughter of America’s equines is an embarrassment and wholly un-American.
We are grateful for statements from committee Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ) during the recent hearing that he is not giving up and will continue to work towards finding a path forward in moving the SAFE Act this year. We commend the Chairman and are committed to supporting him in any way possible.
RTF is in Washington, DC and will work with the Committee to move the bill before the end of the year. We urge everyone to continue your outreach to your own legislators by sending emails through our website and calling your Representative directly – 202-225-3121- urging them to push for movement of HR 3355 to end horse slaughter. If your Representative serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee it is especially vital for you to reach out and urge them to support the Chairman in his effort and help get the bill marked up immediately. We don’t have much time left in this Congress so every minute counts. Keep following us to get the latest as we have updates.