Bonus Day for wild horses is Wednesday, July 17!

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Photo taken at RTF's San Luis Obispo satellite sanctuary by Rich Sladick

Global Giving Rewards Bonus Day is this Wednesday, July 17!

From 9am EDT till midnight EDT July 18th, online donations made to Return to Freedom through Global Giving will be eligible for a share of $120K in matching funds, and much, much more!

All donations will be matched at 50% while funds remain.

Also up for grabs this Bonus Day will be bonus prizes and a 100% recurring donation match good ALL day long.

One-Time Donation Match:

Up to $500 per unique donor per organization are eligible to be matched on Bonus Day.

Recurring Donation Match: 

On Bonus Day, while the $120,000 in matching funds remain, new recurring donations get the 50% match, and, if the recurring donations remains active for at least four automatic payments, Global Giving will match the initial donation an additional 100% match up to $200.

On Wednesday, please visit our Run RTFs American Wild Horse Sanctuary for a Yearproject to have your donation matched and get RTF in the running for other prizes, too!!

Cash prizes will be awarded to the project with the most funds raised, the most one-time donations, and the most recurring donors. (To ensure fairness, no organization can receive more than $5,000 total in one-time matching.)

Click here after 9 a.m. EDT on Wednesday to have your donation matched!