Last year, 37,249 American horses were trucked to Mexican and Canadian slaughterhouses. That includes an unknown number of horses that once freely roamed our public lands.
During the last Congress, the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act, intended to permanently ban horse slaughter in the United States and the export of American horses for slaughter, amassed 237 House and 22 Senate cosponsors yet neither House nor Senate leadership brought the bipartisan legislation up for a vote.
The bill will soon be reintroduced in the new 117th Congress. Now, though, the legislation has a proven ally in the White House. President Joe Biden was an original cosponsor of the SAFE Act during his tenure in the Senate. Vice President Kamala Harris co-sponsored the bill during the 115th Congress.
Please join us in asking President Biden to call on Congress to place an anti-horse slaughter bill on his desk so that horse slaughter — opposed to by 80 percent of Americans — and the foreign slaughter pipeline are shut down for good.